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Throughout 2022 we excavated over a hundred test pits in gardens and green places across Bishop Auckland, uncovering thousands of artefacts telling ancient and modern stories about the ways that people lived, ate, played, decorated their homes and disposed of their waste. To read more about our findings, please follow the link below to read the full report. 

Now we are embarking on an exciting second part which you are invited to take part in. Using the things we have found, we want help telling these stories in a series of free exhibitions. We are inviting people to take take part in a Citizens Assembly, where you can help craft the narratives you want told from the things we have found. To find out more, please fill in the form at the bottom of the website. All ages, genders and ethnicities are welcome to enquire.

To find out more about BBD Part 1, please watch our new documentary film made by Megan Olshefski. 

Heptinstall bottle.PNG

The young people from King James I Academy won Team of The Year at the 2023 Bishop Auckland Town Council Youth Awards!

The Bishop Big Dig has been shortlisted for the 2023 Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Local Community.

The Bishop Big Dig won the Emerald Publishing Award for Real Impact 2022/23

Ady and Debs feeling very proud of their testpit!
Finds Tray
King James I Academy students visting Auckland Castle
King James I Academy students visiting excavations at Auckland Castle
Digging For Britain
Jones Bottled Water Company
Alix sieving
Horn Core
Lukas with a clay pipe
John Castling and Chris Gerrard
Finds washing
Finds analysis
Danny and Dylan doing a presentation
KJ1A students at exhibition of finds in Bishop Auckland Town Hall
Lukas, Tyler and Cody recording a building
King James I Academy students assembling animal skeletons
Shannon, Cheryl and Sophie
Durham University Students
Tyler, Dylan and Stephen
Stephen explaining how to record test pits to DU students

Click on the pictures to find out more!

Facts and Figures


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